Doctors, Nurses, Teachers, etc. came protected." Perhaps you know the ugly truth that at the present time venereal diseases are kept going by homosexuals so no wonder the audience was skeptical. Those of us who know Dr. Hooker personally realize that she is a rare and unusual friend of the homosexual. I have no doubt that her remark was a little "shocker" thrown in to startle her audience.

It seems to me that you have displayed considerable blindness in accepting the kind of person you are. Could it be that you read ONE and have not yet recognized that you are quite definitely bi-sexual-and perhaps even more homothan bi-? It seems to me that for all your rejoicing about having discovered the homosexual way of life that you protest entirely too much. Your history is quite typical of latent homosexuals. As a matter of fact, homosexuality usually shows up quite definitely at about the time of puberty. According to your history you had your first homo affair with "The Faggot Boy" when you were coming into puberty in early adolescence. You seem to deny having sex with him but you tell of mutual masturbation after the two of you had become over-stimulated through hugging and kissing. Yet you seem to take a smug puritanical pride in the fact that you did not have sex with him. I have been doing sex and marriage counseling for over twenty years, yet I must confess that I am rather confused by your hair-splitting over what is "sex" (which you seem to feel is something evil except with girls). You also speak of having "good clean fun" with both boys and girls. Now I am confused! When is sex dirty and when is it just good clean fun? Then you became a paratrooper and "all man." I wonder? Were the strict rules about homosexuality in the Armed Forces suffi-

cient to cork up your real feelings which again became latent until you met your "first earth angel," your "queen" despite the fact that you had gone with many girls; had conceived a child by one girl (who would not marry you because you were too feminine); married another girl whom you came to hate; lived in common-law marriage for one year with another girl who "had just what a man needed." It is curious that you never dress in drag yet wear long finger-nails and tight clothes. I wonder why the cops challenge you so frequently for being gay and why you find you get off easier if you admit you have been one all your life? Because you have had intercourse with women but not with men does not make you a true heterosexual. As a matter of fact, your handwriting shows many of the characteristics of an overt homosexual. Using Gavin Arthur's "Circle of Sex," I would classify you as a quasi-homosexualin other words, one who is bi-sexual,. but more homosexual than bi-sexual. You say, "Everybody seems to know but me." Why not wake up?

The tragic story of your love for your "queen" has much deep significance for the psychiatrist. I'm afraid you do not know just how much your denial of full sexual release with "her" may have contributed to her death. In the eloquent language of the body, "she" died of a broken heart. Perhaps you can't see this for you state quite glibbly the heart has nothing to do with love." I would suggest that you read some books on Psychosomatic Medicine before you make another big mistake. I can recommend "Mind and Body" by Dr. Flanders Dunbar or her more technical book, "Psychosomatic Medicine." You have a lot to learn and it may be necessary for you to go through a lot more sorrow before you begin to see the light. You may not like what